Sunday 25 August 2013

The 7 Wonders of the Ancient world

1) Great Pyramid of King Khufu

location : Giza , Egypt
built : around 2560 BC
function : Tomb of Pharoah Khufu
destroyed : still stands
size : height 146 m
made by : stones
Tallest building in the world 1311 AD
It took twenty years for a force of 100,000 slaves to built it.

2)The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

locating : city of Babylon ,Iraq
built : around 600BC
function : Royal Garden
destroyed : earthquake 2nd century BC
size:height around 80ft (24m)
made by : mud brick waterproofed with lead
The story said that the garden was built by King Nebuchadnezzar as a gift to his wife Queen Semiramis.

3)The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

location : Peloponnese (Greece)
built:around 432 BC
Function:shine to Greek God Zeus
destroyed:fire 5th century AD
size:height around 40 ft (12 m)
made of :ivory and gold-plated plates on wooden frame
The statue and the temple is completely gone.

4)The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

location :Ephesus "Turkey now"
built : around 323 BC
function : Temple of Goddess Artemis
destroyed : 262 AD by goths 
size :Length 425 ft ( 129 m)
made by :marble
Artemis of Ephesus was Goddess of fertility and was often pictured as draped with eggs or multiple breasts ,symbols of fertility from her waist to her shoulders.

5)The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

location: Halicarnassus (Bodrum , turkey)
built: around 350 BC
function :Tomb for the King  Mausolus
destroyed :earthquake first and then destruction by crusaders in 1522 AD
size: height 140 ft (43 m)
When King Mausolus died , leaving his Queen Aetemisia , who was also his sister , broken-hearted
she decided to build his the most splendid tomb in the whole world , the building was rich with statuary and carvings in relief , was so beautiful and unique it become one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

6)The Colossus of Rhodes
location: Rhodes (Greece)
built : 292 - 280 BC
function : commemmorate war victory
destroyed :earthquake 
height :without pedestal was 110 ft ( 30m)
made by : bronze plates attached to iron.

7)The Great Lighthouse of Alexandria

locatIon : Alexandria , Egypt
built : around 290 -270 BC
function:guide ships to Alexandria's harbor
height:450 ft(140 m)
made of : stone with marble blocks with lead mortar
when it was completed it was the first house-light in the world and the tallest building existence with the exception of the great pyramid, the construction cost was said to have been 800 talents equals today about three million dollars.

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